Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Filamente for iPad – iPad Sharepoint Client

As the iPad continues to make impressive gains in the enterprise arena, there are also more and more business apps hitting the iPad App Store.

Filamente for iPad is one recent example of this trend.  It’s a Sharepoint client that touts its ability to carry out tasks that cannot be done using a web browser.

Here’s more detail on the app and its features, via its App Store page:

File Upload to SharePoint:
- Send a document from other applications such as Mail using "Open In…" to Filamente, and upload documents to your SharePoint site.
- Upload any pictures, photos or documents to your SharePoint site

Editing and Offline Browsing:
- Register multiple SharePoint sites and subsites
- Enter site URLs without typing HTTP or HTTPS
- Browse sites, subsites, document libraries and lists even when you do not have an internet connection
- Create, Open, Edit and Delete a SharePoint data
- Search, sort SharePoint data and change SharePoint views
- Easy email of SharePoint contents

- Boost productivity by making a SharePoint list and data as a Favorite
- Have an aggregated view of Favorite data from multiple SharePoint sites and subsites
View Documents:
- View documents – Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, Text, and picture formats

See All Your Sites:
- Multiple SharePoint sites and subsites
- Supports self-signed SSL certificates
- Supports SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint Online
- Secure access over HTTPS with username and password

You can find Filamente in the App Store now, priced at an

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