Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Big New Features for iPad in the iOS 4.2 Software Update

New Features for iPad

The Big Four

Multitasking: For me, and many others I’m sure, this is THE big headline addition.  iOS 4.2 will bring much greater multitasking capabilities to the iPad.  Just as we’ve already seen on the iPhone, 3rd party apps can now remain running in the background for several clear purposes – e.g Pandora playing music, and navigation apps).  More importantly, for me anyway, 4.2 gives us an easy and elegant solution for rapid app switching.  A quick double-tap on the home button brings up the Multitasking Bar (shown in the screencap at the top of this post), from where you can quickly launch any of your recently run apps. Rapid app switching makes me far more productive on the iPad and iPhone. 

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