Saturday, October 16, 2010

AutoCAD Launches Free iPad and iPhone App

WS mobile app enables you to view and work with AutoCAD drawings directly on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Using the touch and gesture interface of your iPad or iPhone you can accurately view, annotate, and revise drawings on the spot. Change the way you work in the field or on the road by reducing the need to carry around over-sized paper drawings.

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Review – HoverCoat Carbon Fiber iPad Case

I’ve had an iPad since launch day way back on April 3rd. I love the device even more than I expected I would. In fact we’ve got two iPads in the house now

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Yay – Paper Toss and Paper Toss World Tour Come to the iPad

Paper Toss HD and Paper Toss World Tour HD are both now live in the App Store. Hurrah.

Paper Toss has been one of my favorite games on the iPhone for ages, ever since it first came out over a year ago. It’s still on every iPhone and Touch in our house

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Site Stuff – Away for a Few Days

Just a quick heads-up for all you lovely readers. I’m leaving a little later this morning on a little mini family getaway down to the coast. I may post a few things when we have down time away from the beach, but it will likely be very little and probably off-topic or related to traveling with the iPad.

We’re driving home Monday and I should be back to posting as normal on Tuesday.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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Flipboard is App Store App of the Week

in iPadApp Store Adds New Sections to Help with App DiscoveryFlipboard on the iPad– World’s First Social MagazineTagged as:App of the Week, App Store, Flipboard

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kindle App Updated – Books Now Display in Two Columns in Landscape Mode

The Kindle app has been updated this week, to Version 2.3. One of the notable changes for iPad users of the universal app is that it now shows a two-column view when you’re in landscape mode.

I agree with my friend Dan over at Gear Diary, that this simple change is a very welcome one.

You can find this latest version of the Kindle app in the App Store now, and it’s still a free app.

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iPad at Work: for the NHL’s Toronto Maple Leafs

Photo Credit: Steve Russell / TORONTO STAR

The Toronto Maple Leafs have adopted iPads and other Apple devices as their primary workstations for analyzing game footage and play-by-play updates, directly on the bench.

The iPad really is continuing to show off its usefulness in so many different use-case scenarios every day. From enterprises to kindergarten classrooms. From university lecture halls to an NHL team’s bench. I have to think the iPad is going to end up being widely adopted by sports coaches at all levels, from Little League sort of levels to all the major pro sports.

Here’s hoping none of those hulking, big stick wielding hockey blokes gets angry at an iPad on that Maple Leafs bench.

Source: Toronto Star via Macgasm

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At Bat 2010 for iPad Updated for the Postseason and Price Lowered

this week. You can find At Bat 2010 for iPad in the App Store now, at its new lower price.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!Related PostsSportsTap Hits the iPadPulse News Reader App for iPad Updated & Looking GoodMobileMe Gallery App Now Supports iPadWordpress App Updated, Sounds PromisingAutoCAD Launches Free iPad and iPhone AppTagged as:At Bat 2010 for iPad, iPad Apps, iPad sports apps, MLB At Bat for iPad

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Recommended: Tilt to Live HD Review at JAiB

but if it is yours it sounds like Tilt to Live HD may be well worth a look. My colleague Ray over at our sister site seems to be very impressed with it. Here’s just a little taster of what he says on the newly released game:

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No Way to Turn 3G on in iOS Betas for iPad?

It’s their fault, no it’s their fault’ and some lovely passing back and forth, the verdict is that I need to go and exchange the iPad. I’ll be giving that a go later today.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!Related PostsiOS 4.2 Beta 2 Out – Adds Multitasking Animation, YouTube Upload Options and Maybe a Speed BoostTagged as:iOS 4.2 betas, iOS 4.2 betas for iPad

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The Economist’s Intelligent Life Magazine Launches on the iPad

The Economist announced today that it will launch an iPad edition of Intelligent Life, its acclaimed quarterly magazine covering life, culture and style.  Intelligent Life is already on the news-stand in Britain, Europe and Canada, but has only been available by subscription in the U.S. until now.

Intelligent Life is being launched in the US exclusively on the iPad

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Crazy iPad Numbers – One Analyst Predicts Sales of 45 Million Next Year

I’ve seen quite a few predictions of massive sales for iPad in 2011, but this one this week is the highest yet:

Ticonderoga Securities analyst Brian White reports that Apple is developing a smaller version of its uber-popular iPad and suggests that sales numbers of the original iPad could reach 45 million in 2011.

Forbes tells us the analyst is in China and speaking to iPad component suppliers, one claims he’s anticipating shipping enough parts to pump out 13 million iPads in the second half of 2010. And the supplier expects this to hit 45 million next year.

Another recent prediction I saw was for iPad sales of around 36 million next year. It’s going to be pretty fascinating to see the next set of figures Apple releases on this

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Target Really Does Keep iPads Locked in a Cabinet

and I’d be surprised if any potential buyers who have never spent time with a friend’s iPad or tried one out elsewhere would be enticed at all to spend $500-850 on a device they can’t even really see, never mind try out.

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iPad at Work: At Mercedes Benz Dealerships

overwhelmingly positive results’.

The iPad is being used on the showroom floor at Mercedes dealerships, running a custom company app, to assist with loan applications and paperwork.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

My First Trip with the iPad – A Few Quick Thoughts

but last weekend we took a little family mini-break down to the beach in south Texas. Our trip was only from Friday through Monday, but the weather was perfect and we had a great time.

Our short trip was my first real chance to take the iPad on the road for anything more than just normal out and about stuff here in Austin. I knew we’d have some stretches of downtime during our break and debated with myself about bringing my laptop

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More iPad Mini Rumors This Week

which both sound very far-fetched.

When I first saw rumors about new 7 inch iPads, I thought they would not be of any interest to me. Thinking on it more, and seeing mockups like the one shown above, has me much more interested in a possible Mini model. I certainly would not want it to replace the current size though, I’d want it to be another option. What do you think? Would a new smaller iPad model be of interest?

Rumor via: Apple Insider

If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!Related PostsTop of the iPad Rumor Charts this Week: 7 inch iPad Now a ‘Finished Product’Will Apple Announce a New 7 Inch iPad Model at Next Week’s Event?Latest Rumor – New, Smaller iPads Later This YearTagged as:7 inch iPad, iPad Mini, smaller ipad

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NYT: Apple making iPhone for Verizon

hank. just so you know, verizon, or any cell providers, employees are a bunch of no nothing clowns. they are constantly spouting off “knowledge” they don’t have.

on another note. if it does go verizon it won’t make a difference to me…….unless the verizon version doesn’t have the death grip, in which case im just going to start throwing things

Gren says:October 9, 2010 at 8:13 am

iPhone 4 is great but it’s hard to find a great case for it they are all just doesn’t fit irght. My friend recommend me this website – they sell so called iDecal case andI must say I didn’t thought it would be so cool, it’s just what I was needed. This case makes my iPhone 4 looking cool and It’s dock friendly. Be sure to check them out these guys can be trusted.

Shrike says:October 9, 2010 at 10:16 am

If it is released in Q1 11, it’ll just be a plain old EVDO/1xRTT phone. An LTE/EVDO/1xRTT phone would be way too early for Apple. Maybe in June if good low power LTE chipsets are out.

The bigger question is if the Verizon logo appears on it. I hope not. That’ll dilute Apple’s brand.

Jimbozo says:October 9, 2010 at 10:19 am

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Android founder says carriers add value, we do a spit take

about it almost every day, thats what carriers do!! they nickel and dime and change things so ignorant average joes “fork” over their money to them. its beautiful! i absolutely love it! having said that, i’m informed enough to purchase my devices with as little bloatware as possible, modifying(rooting) them in cases where need be. carriers are ALWAYS going to try to screw you, that will never change, these “mini computer” phones dont actually cost $200, they’re much more expensive. the only way to give them to people at that price is to “cripple” them as you say with programs and “bloatware”.quit bitching rene, go read a book or go outside. dude, its just a phone.

Shane says:October 8, 2010 at 10:24 pm

Pssh.. Installing iTunes is the biggest slap in the face piece of bloat-ware EVER.. I’ll take a damn nascar icon I have to avoid over installing iTunes on any machine / any day.

Quantum says:October 8, 2010 at 10:43 pm

With all the Android devices released in the past year, you would think the OEMs would have gotten it right by now. Plus they definitely aren’t looking or listening to what customers want since they are still loading up the bloatware….

menno says:October 8, 2010 at 10:48 pm

One could argue the value was branding. Think about mindshare for android before the “Droid Does” campaign.

I agree that most (maybe all) “enhancements” carriers bring to android are negative. But at the same time, android wouldn’t be nearly as big as it is today without the marketing dollars, Verizon (droid) Sprint (evo) and even Tmobile (mytouch) put into the OS. I think andy rubin knows this, and android’s not at the point (yet) where he can bite the hand that feeds.

Wes says:October 8, 2010 at 11:01 pm

Is iPhone 4 “Glassgate” real?

Analog Spirit says:October 9, 2010 at 7:44 pm

The glass back looks cool and all, but I think on the next model they need to make it out of something more durable; I don’t know, carbon fiber, maybe? Just as long as it didn’t interfere with the signal. And they should use Corning Gorilla Glass for the front. Just some ideas…

SheiknetChris says:October 9, 2010 at 7:51 pm

I was going to post something very similar as Analog Spirit:

Replacement backs in alternative materials would be pretty easy for even a third party to do: carbon fiber(!), graphite, metal (if it is made to not touch the antenna), and especially wood. No, it wouldn’t have an apple logo, but you already know it’s an iPhone, so no big.

Surprised I haven’t even seen these around yet.

SheiknetChris says:October 9, 2010 at 8:00 pm

After a fit of face-palm time, I do see there are some available (none looked particularly appealing in my initial search), it is obvious why there aren’t widespread: it would void your warranty.(Unless you cleanly and sneakily put the original back on.)

FutureDHughes says:October 9, 2010 at 8:06 pm

It seems like folks are coming up with any method to take down Apple & the iPhone. Too bad it won’t work. Lol.

jamie says:October 9, 2010 at 9:55 pm

i mean seriously,

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Few Quick Thoughts on iOS 4.2 Beta 1 for iPad

and they’ve helped me come down from 8 home screens to 4.  I could be on less but I’ve chosen to devote two full screens to most frequently used apps, and one to apps currently under review. I’m very happy to see that the app limit per folder is 20, a nice step up from the 12 allowed on the iPhone

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