Sunday, October 10, 2010

Android founder says carriers add value, we do a spit take

about it almost every day, thats what carriers do!! they nickel and dime and change things so ignorant average joes “fork” over their money to them. its beautiful! i absolutely love it! having said that, i’m informed enough to purchase my devices with as little bloatware as possible, modifying(rooting) them in cases where need be. carriers are ALWAYS going to try to screw you, that will never change, these “mini computer” phones dont actually cost $200, they’re much more expensive. the only way to give them to people at that price is to “cripple” them as you say with programs and “bloatware”.quit bitching rene, go read a book or go outside. dude, its just a phone.

Shane says:October 8, 2010 at 10:24 pm

Pssh.. Installing iTunes is the biggest slap in the face piece of bloat-ware EVER.. I’ll take a damn nascar icon I have to avoid over installing iTunes on any machine / any day.

Quantum says:October 8, 2010 at 10:43 pm

With all the Android devices released in the past year, you would think the OEMs would have gotten it right by now. Plus they definitely aren’t looking or listening to what customers want since they are still loading up the bloatware….

menno says:October 8, 2010 at 10:48 pm

One could argue the value was branding. Think about mindshare for android before the “Droid Does” campaign.

I agree that most (maybe all) “enhancements” carriers bring to android are negative. But at the same time, android wouldn’t be nearly as big as it is today without the marketing dollars, Verizon (droid) Sprint (evo) and even Tmobile (mytouch) put into the OS. I think andy rubin knows this, and android’s not at the point (yet) where he can bite the hand that feeds.

Wes says:October 8, 2010 at 11:01 pm

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