Tuesday, August 31, 2010

iPad in Education: Art Authority for iPad Chosen for University’s Art History Classes

but because of the wealth of great educational apps that are springing up for it. 

Today’s news that Seton Hill University in Pennsylvania has chosen to make the Art Authority for iPad app an integral part of their Art History classes is a great example of this.  I reviewed Art Authority back in May and called it a

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Simplenote for iPad Gets a Major Update – Adds Tags, Sharing, Full Screen Mode, Lots More

has just had a huge update last night, to Version 3.0.2.  As its name would suggest, one of Simplenote’s strongpoints has always been its simple and elegant look and UI.

With this new update, the app has managed to maintain that simple, elegant quality while adding a substantial amount of functionality and some lovely bells and whistles as well.

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CoachPad for iPad – Looks Like an Ideal Coach’s Companion

natural’ role for the iPad, and this looks like a good app to help it carry out that role. Here’s a slice of its App Store description:

CoachPad is the ideal tool for coaches everywhere – whether you mentor your son’s basketball team or coach a professional football club. CoachPad allows you to sketch out and display formations and tactics all using your iPad in a simple and intuitive way. Sketches are automatically saved and can be viewed or removed in a gallery and reused without overwriting the originals, allowing you to create templates which you can use over and over again.

And some of its key features:

- Simple interface and intuitive drawing tools
- Field templates for basketball, football, soccer, rugby, volleyball and even a blank whiteboard for any purpose
- Undo and redo to playback formations and tactics
- Save your formations to load and edit them later
- Scribble out your mistakes
- Move player tokens by tapping and holding, complete with path outlines
- Present your game-plans in high-definition on your iPad

I haven’t tried this app out at all

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Flash on the iPad – No Thanks

Image Source: agreenertea.com

Today I’ve had yet another reminder of why I have no interest in seeing Flash on my iPad, or iPhone, or any mobile device really.  I use a MacBook Pro as my primary computer. An MBP with 4GB of RAM, dual processors, around 50% of free disk space, and an all-round strong spec. 

This morning it spent a while slowing to a crawl and becoming just barely responsive.  I spent a few minutes looking into what was up with it.  The answer was no surprise at all

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iPad Shipping Times Down to 24 Hours

and Apple Insider suggests that this may mean supply has finally caught up with demand for the magical, shiny devices.

The estimated 24 hour shipping schedule would suggest that Apple has managed to catch up with consumer demand for the iPad, which has been a multi-million seller in its first few months on the market. Apple struggled to meet demand, as various component suppliers could not get orders to the company fast enough.

I can’t wait to see what sales numbers are like once we’ve seen a good stretch of easy iPad availability.

Via: Apple Insider

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CDMA/Verizon chip-maker looking for iPhone expert?

off. It’s not like saving like $30 per month over verizon and At&T would NOT sway a ton of people.

mrngh1 says:August 27, 2010 at 3:51 pm

Save $30 if you don’t live in southern California….. VZW has a $99 unlimited everything plan here…. It’s a test market… I hope it does well and it is a sing of things to come for all carriers!!!!

mrngh1 says:August 27, 2010 at 3:52 pm

Oops!!!! I meant sign…. Not sing!!!!

frog says:August 27, 2010 at 5:50 pm

I don’t get the CDMA arguments. We had a national CDMA network in Australia, and they closed it down about 5 years ago because it was a far weaker signal (compared to the newer WCDMA/3G) and the ENTIRE world was soon to be dumping it (as Verizon are also)

impaler says:August 28, 2010 at 2:10 am

Hope Apple pulls a fast one and goes to Sprint. Best plans out there.

Macboy says:August 28, 2010 at 2:34 am

I hope it does go to verizon. That way the people who love verizon for whatever reason can go. But there alot like myself that have zero problems with AT&T and will stay. I pay $89 a month for everything and have awesome service with AT&T and always have. When it does go to verizon it’s going to be a mess. It’s going to be AT&T 2008 all over again.

TomZ says:August 28, 2010 at 4:25 pm

I will buy one and give my wife the Bold 9650 I’m just switched to two weeks ago.

Mac says:August 28, 2010 at 11:24 pm

Not a single one of you seem to be cognizant that this move gives Apple the ability to market to the other enormous pool of American cellular addicts. You are all kinda wrapped up in your chosen network of worship. In the unlikely event that the CDMA iPhone is Sprint bound I probably would purchase one for each female in my house. Apple devices tend to require less of my time because there is usually a large “press here for a neato experience” button. Females tend to forgive toys for not being tools. Sometimes Apple devices are even useful. They aren’t useful enough to warrant the hassle of switching networks if the one that you are on works for you.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

iPhone 4 Bluetooth woes, Jailbreaking/Unlocking, Next generation iPhone, iPhone/iPod/iPad accessories – From the Forums

August 16th, 2010 Crystal Defenders for iPad- app review August 16th, 2010 All Reviews...Latest tips and how-tos FaceTime helping couples keep “in touch” August 19th, 2010 Don’t want to use your credit card in iTunes? Use a gift card instead! August 15th, 2010 Why won’t my iPhone or iPad case work with this cable? August 14th, 2010 iOS 4 features: Background app killing August 10th, 2010 Guide to Jailbreaking iPhone 4 and iPad August 3rd, 2010 All Tips and How-tos...Latest iPhone and iPad Accessories

About TiPbnews (at) tipb (dot) com

Apple’s iPad proves to be the perfect fit for a sumo wrestler

The Dude: First sentence, second paragraph. There’s a quite obvious grammatical error.

Robbie Alexander says:August 28, 2010 at 9:04 am

Who the hell cares about grammar and spelling!?! This is the Internet age, get used to it, this is how language used to be. We went from no uniform rules in the 10th century, to eventual grammar Nazis and no with the the Internet natural language evolution is back and I’m pumped.

The intelligence comes in your ability to intuitively understand what people mean regardless of how it’s presented.

Dexter says:August 28, 2010 at 7:58 pm


Intelligence is also marked by uniform and concise communication through language. With your point of view, even if people degenerate and devolve to the point of using grunts and moans to implicate their meaning, it’s all well and proper. I have news for you – it’s not. Progressive knowledge, technology and civilization are termed thus for a reason and the upward advancement of them all are propelled by discipline to adhere to established principles and demeanor. Without it we are no better than we were in primitive times. Deemphasizing the value of educated responses and grammar in favor of “intuitive understanding” is to misunderstand and devalue the inherently advanced intellect required for intuitive cognition in the first place.

Tweger01 says:August 28, 2010 at 9:33 pm

Talon Hard Shell Case for iPhone 4 (artistic version) – review

I had a Starry Night sticker/skin-really like that look, too.

SockRolid says:August 28, 2010 at 1:53 pm

Great video Georgia, as always! I just thought of a way to test iPhone / iPad screen protectors. Sprinkle a little bird seed on the screen and put it in your bird’s cage. See if the screen protector can withstand birdie’s pecks. (Well OK, maybe that’s not such a tough test…)

icebike says:August 28, 2010 at 6:33 pm

Oh, Gawd, now she’s including her own Bloopers in the reviews…!!

iPhoneMilk says:August 29, 2010 at 9:15 am


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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Photoshop Express App Updated, Hopefully Squashes Major Bugs

so I’m not a test case for the new update at all.  I’d love to hear your results and reactions if you were amongst those having issues with the app.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!Related PostsPhotoshop Express Buggy, Getting Slammed in App Store RatingsFree Photoshop App for iPad ReleasedCool Things: Stunning Images from The Guardian Eyewitness AppQuick Look – The Guardian Eyewitness for iPadWritepad for iPad Updated–Adds Dropbox SyncTagged as:iPad Apps, iPad photography apps, Photshop Express

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Back to School Apps Sale – at iApps for Students

iAppsForStudents today announced a Back to School Sale containing steep discounts on software from the some of the best independent Mac, iPhone, and iPad developers. More than 50 independent developers are participating in the sale contributing over 100 applications with great discounts. The sale, which focuses on students and teachers but is open to anyone, runs from August 15th till September 1st.

The two indie publishers who have organized the sale are Random Accident, whose apps include Syllabus

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Friday, August 27, 2010

iPad at Work: Helping Children with Autism

magical’ tag for the device. 

Via: iLounge

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iPad PDF Notation App Now Required for First-year Medical Students at Stanford

Full-featured PDF reader: New Screen-Based Navigation and Toolbar Buttons plus Continuous-scrolling page display with all standard scroll/zoom gestures, and full screen reading mode wit tabbed reading.

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FOX Business Network Now Has an iPad App

Stream FOXBusiness.com Live weekdays from 12-1 PM ET or watch video clips from FOX Business Network on demand anytime. Watch the FOX Business Minute for the latest news and market updates.

Stocks and Markets

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tumbleroo – First iPad App for Tumblr

The iPad was virtually built for browsing Tumblr, and Tumbleroo is the first iPad app for Tumblr. Tumbleroo brings a native feel to your Tumblr adventures that you’ll love. Big colorful photos, full-screen videos, and all the liking and reblogging you can handle.

That’s the opening slice of the App Store description for Tumbleroo. As you can see, they’re claiming to be the first Tumblr app for the iPad.  I can’t recall seeing another one, but then again I haven’t been looking for one either

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Quick Look: Elements Dropbox Powered Text Editor for iPad

so any notes app with a hookup to Dropbox has instant appeal for me, and I’ve been trying it out a bit.

Here’s a little more detail on Elements, via its App Store page:

Elements is a beautiful, versatile text editor for iOS. Elements allows you to view, edit and share plain text documents on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. All of your data is stored in a folder on your personal Dropbox account so that its accessible from any device you have.

Whether you’re a freelance writer wanting to write your next article, a student with a book report due or professional on-the-go who needs access to their notes wherever they are, Elements can work for you.

- Create, view and edit text files (.txt) on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch
- Cloud based: Elements stores all its data in an /Elements subfolder on your personal Dropbox account so you can access it via your iPhone, iPad, Mac or PC.
- Autosaving
- Offline support: upload your changes to Dropbox next time you’re connected
- Word counts, line counts, character count
- A Scratchpad to flesh out ideas or store random bits of information.
- Email files as an attachment
- Customize the look of the text editor to fit your workflow
- TextExpander touch support
- Free customer support via email

And here are a few of my thoughts on the app after just a short while of using it:

– I like the fairly minimalist UI.  It’s not quite as basic as Simplenote, but it’s not far off either and is nice to work with.

– One of the places where it’s slightly less basic approach is very welcome is in the broad selection of fonts it offers.  As you can see in the screenshot at the top of this post, it offers quite a good range to choose from.  You can also set your text size, text color, and text background color.

– I like how simple and quick setup of the app is.  You need a Dropbox account to work with the app

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iPad at Work: Marrying a Couple

talking about a recent wedding where the bride, the groom, and the guy marrying them all used iPads. Heck for all I know, everyone in the audience had one as well.

I do see a little potential for marital strife in the photos though

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tracking Football Stats on the iPad–There’s an App for That

or even for football parents helping out coaches, or just tracking stats for their own purposes.

Anyone want to bet on who’s the first NCCAA or NFL coach to be spotted with an iPad?  I also imagine we may see this become a family of iPad apps

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Killer Pool Hits the iPad

from 8 Ball to Killer and more, as well as options to play just a quick single game, or enter local or world championship level tournaments. This makes it easy to play the game as a quick 5-minute time killer or to get stuck in and play it for a good stretch of time.

– The realism of the game

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Writepad for iPad Updated–Adds Dropbox Sync

is pretty good, though a little hard to get used to.  If I ever get over that hurdle, it may become a much more frequently used app for me.

You can find this latest version of Writepad for iPad in the App Store now, priced at $9.99.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!Related PostsWritePad for iPad Updated – Adds Posting to TwitterSimplenote Updated – Now Supports iPad!Evernote Updated – Finally Runs on My iPadSimplenote for iPad – Coming SoonPadNotes for iPad – Coming Soon & Looking GoodTagged as:iPad Apps, iPad note taking apps, iPad notes apps, WritePad for iPad

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The iPad Effect – Still in Full Force

  Point being, go use an iPad. I promise you that you’ll be pleasantly surprised. You just don’t know how great it is until you’ve used one.

Laying hands on an iPad is still something of a magical experience it seems.  The words above are not from a rookie in the iDevices arena.  They’re from a seasoned veteran of all things Mac and iDevice related – Grant Brünner, author of well over a thousand posts at the excellent Macgasm site. 

I’m not arguing with him.

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Gmail on the iPad Gets a Little Slicker

as I prefer the standard Mail.app on my MacBook and iDevices.  As always, I’m keen to hear what any of you iPad-wielding, Gmail in the browser running, folks think of this refresh for Gmail.

Via: Technologizer.com

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Rafter HD Going Free for Tomorrow (Sunday) Only

well, you get the picture!), and launching them at the mines. And our friendly timer will keep ticking away till you master the trick!

Rafter has 101 progressive levels of challenges. There are multiple solutions to each level, but its upto good ol’ you to figure out which one is the best. Oh, and we upped the ante by tying in your scores with the number of moves you make. The equation is simple: Each level has a fixed number of moves and the score increases when you solve the game using the least number of moves.

And while you’re trying to do all this, make sure to watch out for swinging platforms, fans and other not-so-friendly objects! Sounds fun doesn’t it?

1. One of its kind physics based game in which the player can sketch objects of required sizes

2. Choice of selecting the type of sketches between circle and rectangle.

3. Open feint enabled to share the scores

4. 101 mind blowing levels with interesting level designs.

5. Witty and highly addictive levels targeting players’ drawing skills.

6. Dynamic ‘speed and bounce’ control function

7. Fan controls

You can find Rafter HD in the App Store now, normally priced at $1.99

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Case-Mate Hybrid Tough Case for iPad – accessory review

accessory review3 Responses to “Case-Mate Hybrid Tough Case for iPad – accessory review”Trevor says:August 20, 2010 at 4:36 pm

What star rating do you give it?

JR says:August 20, 2010 at 6:59 pm

That’s a really good looking case. I’m not a big fan of the texture of the hard shell, but the color accent looks really good.

Chad Garrett says:August 21, 2010 at 11:48 am

55-inch iPads now at Apple Store

Carrie says:August 20, 2010 at 4:19 pm

this isn’t really new. my apple store has had one in the window since the iphone 4 came out

Bill says:August 20, 2010 at 4:38 pm

Wait until one crashes and we see a Windows BSOD… THEN how bad will you still want one?

Dennis55 says:August 20, 2010 at 4:44 pm

fefds.site90.netLots of free apps!

Rhit says:August 20, 2010 at 5:56 pm

Why is this news?

W0LF says:August 20, 2010 at 6:16 pm

I wouldn’t mind spending time in an iPadded cell

LG, Verizon/Google, Palm preparing iPad competitors

Think any of these will put a dent in iPad sales this holiday season?

TweetShareCategories:News;   Tags: android, chrome os, Google, ipad, lg, palm, The competitionYou might like these related TiPb stories:iPhone, Android, and why smartphone openness is a lieAndroid tablet shown off running (and crashing) FlashGoogle readying Android gPad tablet to compete with iPadNexus One Update Brings Pinch-to-Zoom, Chrome OS Tablet Gets Conceptual — The Competition!UPDATED: The Competition: Google Nexus One Phone Gets Hands-on, UI Walkthrough16 Responses to “”Rodney says:August 20, 2010 at 3:20 pm

As soon as Apple releases its products (i.e., iPhone and iPad) on Verizon’s network, and Verizon see those Apple sales take off, it will kill that Verizon/Google tag-team alliance pretty quickly.

The key is how long will Apple take? The main reason for Android sales on Verizon is purely the lack of an iPhone as competitor on Verizon. It will be the same case for the iPad Competitor. Google knows this, thus is trying to form the bond while they can with Verizon. Just look at AT&T. Android is on AT&T, yet their sales are dwarfed by iPhone. Android is simply selling like crazy on Verizon only because iPhone is not there. As soon as it hits Verizon, step back and enjoy the breeze as iphones fly out of their stores.

Just an opinion.

Mike says:August 20, 2010 at 3:41 pm

Here’s another (damn sexy) tablet concept that Asus will be producing. If it looks anything like this in reality, I could see it doing very well against the iPad/webOS/ChromeOS tablets. That said…it’s sorta pathetic how long it’s taking for any legitimate competitor to the iPad to be introduced (let alone actually put to market).

Mike says:August 20, 2010 at 3:41 pm

oops, forgot the link: http://www.androidcentral.com/asus-eee-pad-scheduled-march-11-launch

Björn says:August 20, 2010 at 3:54 pm

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Droid 2 gets reviewed – the competition

August 16th, 2010 Crystal Defenders for iPad- app review August 16th, 2010 Installing Frash on a Jailbroken iPhone August 15th, 2010 iLuv Flexi-Clear iPad case review August 11th, 2010 Star Wars: Battle for Hoth – app review August 10th, 2010 Let’s Golf 2 for iPad- app review August 9th, 2010 Incipio Feather Ultra Thin Case for iPhone 4 – accessory review August 9th, 2010 All Reviews...Latest tips and how-tos FaceTime helping couples keep “in touch” August 19th, 2010 Don’t want to use your credit card in iTunes? Use a gift card instead! August 15th, 2010 Why won’t my iPhone or iPad case work with this cable? August 14th, 2010 iOS 4 features: Background app killing August 10th, 2010 Guide to Jailbreaking iPhone 4 and iPad August 3rd, 2010 All Tips and How-tos...Latest iPhone and iPad Accessories

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Palm to go Retina Display with webOS 2.0, next generation handsets?

beerad Haha! Your funny, better operating system?? If it was so great we would see a large percentage of consumers with a webos phone. But no apples iOS has more iphone4 sold than all web OS phones put together! Im sorry to tell you but your phone is no match to the simplest most powerful OS. And before you attack me about open source bullshyt, im a jailbroken unlocked iphone 4 and can do whatever the fcuk i want

Facebook for iPhone not playing nice with Jailbreak, fix coming soon

Boots says:August 21, 2010 at 9:53 am

Funny how mine is JB, and works fine, but my friends brand new iphone 4 facebook does not work…. its not the jailbrea but nice try facebook.

Jb says:August 21, 2010 at 9:56 am

Jailbroken. No bitesms. Workn fine.

cardfan says:August 21, 2010 at 9:58 am

BiteSMS dev will have a version out on monday and has a fix ont now.

Facebook also said they’ll have a fix out. As it’s not just biteSMS that conflicts with it.

As for the jailbreak talk in this thread, I wouldn’t own an iphone if it couldn’t be modified. That’s always been part of owning a smartphone.

anto says:August 21, 2010 at 10:00 am

3.1.2 , fb working fine

Bill says:August 21, 2010 at 10:41 am

Mines working fine. Jailbroken 4.0 and

Friday, August 20, 2010

Harbor Master HD Updated – Adds Rewind Feature

has been recently updated, to Version 1.3.  The big new addition is a rewind feature:

Did you ever have an amazing game, only to have boats crash just when you’re about to beat your high score? Ever wish you could just rewind that moment and continue the game?

Now you can.

At the end of a game, you can now choose to rewind it, undo the crash, and continue playing. You can only use one rewind in a single game. You start out with a few rewinds you can use, and you earn more by playing more.

I haven’t applied the update yet, but will do later on

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Madden 2011 for iPad Launching Tomorrow


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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Crazy iPad Numbers: Huge Increase in Apple Store Visitors

Via: BGR

If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!Related PostsCrazy iPad Numbers: It Accounts for 26% of Mobile Traffic at WiredCrazy iPad Numbers: Significant Web Traffic Share AlreadyTagged as:iPad numbers

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Why I chose Switcheasy’s Trig Case for iPad

which is quite eye catching while I walk down the street. But it not only looks good, but it protects and serves the iPad very well. Forty Euros well spent.

Visit Switcheasy’s page on the Trig Case here: http://www.switcheasy.com/products/TRIG/TRIG.php

The Switcheasy Trig Case was independently purchased by the post author. For further information regarding our site’s review policies, please see the “About” page.

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Two More Dr. Seuss Titles Hit the App Store

And a little detail on The Big Brag:

"The bear, for a moment, just sulked as he sat
  For he knew that his ears couldn’t hear things like that.
  "This rabbit," he thought, "made a fool out of me.
  Now I’ve got to prove that I’m better than he."

The story tells of a rabbit and a bear, who both boast that they are the "best of the beasts". The rabbit can hear far away, but the bear boasts he can smell even farther. However, both animals are humbled by a mere worm who looks ’round the world

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Madden NFL 11 for iPad Out Now

DESIGNED JUST FOR iPADTM. Now play MADDEN NFL on a level you’ve never seen before. With stunning HD-quality graphics, Total Defensive Control, GameFlow, Hot Routes Everywhere, plus exclusive innovations to come, MADDEN NFL 11 for iPad will deliver fun and excitement all season long. The most authentic NFL game just got even better!

Watch players rumble into action in authentic stadiums visualized in electrifying detail. Capture the atmospherics of the weather effects. Even see the blades of grass on the field. The incredible visual quality enabled by your iPad will truly draw you deeper into game.

Designed to let you play both sides of the ball with equal intensity, the new TDC (

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eWallet for Mac Launched

and I’m very happy to see that can now be crossed off the eWallet wish list.

I’ve had a chance to check the app out and it works well.  If you’ve used eWallet, you’ll feel comfortable with the Mac client straight away

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Quick Look: LIFE Wonders of the World Photography Book for iPad

and honestly I wouldn’t argue with that. This is a simple and almost no-frills sort of app, with content so outstanding that the app itself is a complete winner.

Here’s a little more of the App Store Intro to the app:

The editors of LIFE take you on a visual journey through the Grand Canyon to the Eiffel Tower, the pyramids of Giza, the Galápagos islands and so much more. Fifty Wonders in all, on a device that lets you swipe, scroll through and marvel at more than 100 photographs in landscape orientation on your iPad.

The app is not feature-rich by any means, but here are some of its notable ones:

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Free Photoshop App for iPad Released


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Security Update for iPad Released

ChatterRecent PostsPhotoshop Express Buggy, Getting Slammed in App Store RatingsiPadversaries–the Coming Competition for the iPadQuick Look: Ocean Blue for iPadFree Photoshop App for iPad ReleasedCool Things: SoundPrism for iPad Looks GreatQuick Look: LIFE Wonders of the World Photography Book for iPad

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Quick Look: Ocean Blue for iPad

Here’s a bit of the app’s App Store description:

Clownfish, Blue tang, Sea Turtle, Hammerhead Shark! Supreme and lifelike graphics will give you fantastic experiences in the beautiful ocean! Place yourself in the flippers of a diver and enjoy interacting- feeding and shocking- with beautiful marine animals in the comfort of your home!

It really does offer a scuba diver’s type view

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Monday, August 16, 2010

iPadversaries–the Coming Competition for the iPad

em iPadversaries

Harry McCracken has a good article up at Technologizer.com, running down some current, coming soon, and potential rivals for the iPad.  He has dubbed them

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Photoshop Express Buggy, Getting Slammed in App Store Ratings

It seemed like such a great idea. Adobe was releasing a free photo editing tool for the iPhone and the iPad. Well, Photoshop Express is out, and it’s a big, honking dog.

Apparently many users are seeing the app crash on launch, open other apps, and crash repeatedly in various ways.

I have run the app probably 25 times now, partly just for testing purposes today, and I have yet to see a crash.  I’ve run it in both portrait and landscape mode, opened a good range of photos from my libraries, edited them using many different effects and tools, and so far had no issues.  It sounds like my case is very much the exception rather than the rule though.

For those of you have tried the app, what has your experience been?  As buggy as it appears from its ratings?

If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!Related PostsFree Photoshop App for iPad ReleasedCool Things: Stunning Images from The Guardian Eyewitness AppQuick Look – The Guardian Eyewitness for iPadQuick Look: Ocean Blue for iPadCool Things: SoundPrism for iPad Looks GreatTagged as:iPad Apps, iPad photography apps, Photoshop Express

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International lineups persist for iPhone 4

best phone I have ever owned. Antenna issue blown out if proportion! No proximity issue. Fast and beautiful. What more could one ask for? A free case? Ok ya got that too!

Phat7deuce says:August 13, 2010 at 9:50 pm

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Playboy magazine coming to iPad absent nudity

Schrutefarms says:August 14, 2010 at 3:47 pm

I guess the saying “I read the magazine for the articles” will actually be told truthfully now.

Keisuke says:August 14, 2010 at 10:16 pm

Like anyones bought playboy for nudity in years. It’s like Maxim with more revealed and wayyyyyy too much photoshopping to the point it’s unpleasant and plasticy

And honestly Steve is rich. He could get hot chicks at the drop of a hat. He just … Doesn’t. He’s married right?

Pleased says:August 15, 2010 at 1:28 am

I thinks it’s great.If he doesn’t want to cater to a sexist society, then good for him.You poor slobs can’t do without access to porn when mobile? then go get an android.

jason says:August 15, 2010 at 2:52 am

haha whats the point if theres no boobs?

Quasarn says:August 15, 2010 at 3:48 am

Why won’t my iPhone or iPad case work with this cable?

TOMI received my bumper Aug 10th.

Jimbo says:August 14, 2010 at 11:43 am

Considering that Apple believes using volume buttons for camera functions in a camera app is too difficult, or the very existence of a gmail app with it’s own icon would be hopelessly confused with the mail app, this sort of contempt for user’s intelligence seems perfectly inline with the target demographic.

Rene Ritchie says:August 14, 2010 at 11:47 am

Sony Ericsson prepping Android 3.0 PlayStation Phone to take on iOS gaming?

robbiealexander they have stated that the specific section for these games will start off on this phone only, and spread to others depending on the capabilities of the phone.

As far as this phone…I like the concept, but its all about the delivery. I mean…we’ve seen SE botch a good thing many times coughXperiacough

But its nice to see the gaming brands taking sides in the mobile wars. PlayStation for Android. Xbox for Microsoft (of course). If Nintendo was to ever become synonymous with Apple, I’d lose it! I mean, theyree similar in almost every aspect so I think they should do it.

Erik says:August 14, 2010 at 1:41 pm

Yea, this doesn’t seem like a device aimed at competing directly with iPhone but rather a device aimed at competing with Nintendo. Sony seems to like to do that with their gaming devices, making them overly “feature rich” which also always means overly expensive. However, if they can get phone carriers to subsidize this device they just might dodge that bullet in the competition with Nintendo this mobile gaming generation.

OneOfDaKine says:August 14, 2010 at 1:54 pm

That would be great, but what about battery life?

JH says:August 14, 2010 at 4:10 pm

The PSP GO has had a horrible sales run, because it requires rebuying games you’ve already bought. I don’t really think people are going to go for buying the same games AGAIN, much less allow the DRM / online checking to occur. If this is going to compete with Apple gaming, it’s already got a strike against it because it’s not Nintendo.

Add in the strikes for downloading it from a specialized store and repaying for things, and then the “always on” DRM fears, and that will take down gamers.

Most my PSP playing friends use hacked roms.

John "Cas" Elm says:August 14, 2010 at 4:51 pm

Ha, anyone remember nokia’s “Ngage” nice to see mobile phone gaming has come this far… Would still love to see a case or adapter with buttons for iPhone and gaming

Jerry says:August 14, 2010 at 5:39 pm

I think the best news from Engadget is that Google’s android Market will have hardware requirements for other handsets to access these games… that’s great news.. because touch screen only games suck… they are good for casual gaming .. but not psp like gaming..

TK says:August 14, 2010 at 5:52 pm