Sunday, August 29, 2010

Apple’s iPad proves to be the perfect fit for a sumo wrestler

The Dude: First sentence, second paragraph. There’s a quite obvious grammatical error.

Robbie Alexander says:August 28, 2010 at 9:04 am

Who the hell cares about grammar and spelling!?! This is the Internet age, get used to it, this is how language used to be. We went from no uniform rules in the 10th century, to eventual grammar Nazis and no with the the Internet natural language evolution is back and I’m pumped.

The intelligence comes in your ability to intuitively understand what people mean regardless of how it’s presented.

Dexter says:August 28, 2010 at 7:58 pm


Intelligence is also marked by uniform and concise communication through language. With your point of view, even if people degenerate and devolve to the point of using grunts and moans to implicate their meaning, it’s all well and proper. I have news for you – it’s not. Progressive knowledge, technology and civilization are termed thus for a reason and the upward advancement of them all are propelled by discipline to adhere to established principles and demeanor. Without it we are no better than we were in primitive times. Deemphasizing the value of educated responses and grammar in favor of “intuitive understanding” is to misunderstand and devalue the inherently advanced intellect required for intuitive cognition in the first place.

Tweger01 says:August 28, 2010 at 9:33 pm

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