Monday, August 16, 2010

Photoshop Express Buggy, Getting Slammed in App Store Ratings

It seemed like such a great idea. Adobe was releasing a free photo editing tool for the iPhone and the iPad. Well, Photoshop Express is out, and it’s a big, honking dog.

Apparently many users are seeing the app crash on launch, open other apps, and crash repeatedly in various ways.

I have run the app probably 25 times now, partly just for testing purposes today, and I have yet to see a crash.  I’ve run it in both portrait and landscape mode, opened a good range of photos from my libraries, edited them using many different effects and tools, and so far had no issues.  It sounds like my case is very much the exception rather than the rule though.

For those of you have tried the app, what has your experience been?  As buggy as it appears from its ratings?

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