Thursday, August 26, 2010

Quick Look: Elements Dropbox Powered Text Editor for iPad

so any notes app with a hookup to Dropbox has instant appeal for me, and I’ve been trying it out a bit.

Here’s a little more detail on Elements, via its App Store page:

Elements is a beautiful, versatile text editor for iOS. Elements allows you to view, edit and share plain text documents on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. All of your data is stored in a folder on your personal Dropbox account so that its accessible from any device you have.

Whether you’re a freelance writer wanting to write your next article, a student with a book report due or professional on-the-go who needs access to their notes wherever they are, Elements can work for you.

- Create, view and edit text files (.txt) on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch
- Cloud based: Elements stores all its data in an /Elements subfolder on your personal Dropbox account so you can access it via your iPhone, iPad, Mac or PC.
- Autosaving
- Offline support: upload your changes to Dropbox next time you’re connected
- Word counts, line counts, character count
- A Scratchpad to flesh out ideas or store random bits of information.
- Email files as an attachment
- Customize the look of the text editor to fit your workflow
- TextExpander touch support
- Free customer support via email

And here are a few of my thoughts on the app after just a short while of using it:

– I like the fairly minimalist UI.  It’s not quite as basic as Simplenote, but it’s not far off either and is nice to work with.

– One of the places where it’s slightly less basic approach is very welcome is in the broad selection of fonts it offers.  As you can see in the screenshot at the top of this post, it offers quite a good range to choose from.  You can also set your text size, text color, and text background color.

– I like how simple and quick setup of the app is.  You need a Dropbox account to work with the app

View the Original article

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