Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Steve Jobs Says a Big No to 7 Inch iPad Models

including some very choice words on Apple’s view on and the prospects for 7 inch tablets. I think it’s safe to say (unless this is one giant Jobsian ruse) that he has ruled out any 7 inch iPad models coming in future.

Here are some of his words on this (with a little paraphrasing where I couldn’t take notes fast enough):

A 10 inch screen size is the minimum size required to create great tablet apps.

One would think a 7 inch screen is 70% of the benefit of a 10 inch screen  – but because of diagonal screen measurment, it’s only 40% – this size is insufficient to create great tablet apps we believe.

7 inch tablets are tweeners – too big to compete with smartphone, too small to compete with tablets

We don’t think you can make a great tablet with a 7 inch screen

Not too much room for doubt there. 7 inch tablet

View the Original article

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