Saturday, March 5, 2011

Some iPad Magazines Already Offering Subscriptions

, which has had a very good critical reception since it hit the App Store along with the iPad launch last April, is offering an annual subscription for $14.99 until the end of February. That’s a 75% savings over the single issue cost of $4.99 and 25% off the regular subscription price of $19.99.

Of course, News Corp’s The Daily newspaper is also offering subscriptions, as they were the first app to use this feature when they launched earlier this month. 

Have you spotted any other apps offering subscriptions yet? Have you signed up for any subscriptions? WidgetsIf you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed! Related PostsSneak Peek – Richard Branson’s New Project Magazine for iPad, Launching TomorrowReview: Time Magazine on the iPadProject iPad Magazine’s Issue 3 Out Today – I’ll PassProject Issue 2 – Still Not Delivering Updates as PromisedReader’s Digest Hits the iPadTagged as:iPad Apps, iPad magazine apps, iPad magazine subscriptions, iPad magazines

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